Donations support our mission

100% of the materials used in the projects at Spring Thing every year are funded by donations and fundraising.

Donations are important to the Smith Rock Group Non-Profit Organization for several reasons:

  1. Maintaining infrastructure: Donations can help to maintain the infrastructure at Smith Rock State Park. By ensuring that the park is safe and accessible, the Smith Rock Group can continue to promote responsible outdoor recreation.

  2. Supporting conservation efforts: Donations can help the organization to continue their conservation efforts at Smith Rock State Park, where they work to protect the natural environment and wildlife while maintaining the trails and climbing routes.

  3. Providing education: The Smith Rock Group offers education and community connections to teach people about the importance of responsible climbing and outdoor ethics.

  4. Supporting community outreach: The Smith Rock Group is committed to engaging with the local community and building partnerships with other organizations. Donations can help to support these outreach efforts, which can have a positive impact on the park and the surrounding area.

Overall, donations play a critical role in the success of the Smith Rock Group Climbing Non-Profit Organization and are essential for maintaining the park's natural beauty and promoting sustainable outdoor recreation.